Complete Overview Theory & Practice
30,00 € Original price was: 30,00 €.27,00 €Η τρέχουσα τιμή είναι: 27,00 €.
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Σελίδες |
320 |
ISBN13 |
978-618-202-117-0 |
Έτος Έκδοσης |
2022 |
Διαστάσεις |
21×29 cm |
Εσωτερικό Βιβλίου |
Έγχρωμο |
Συνοδευτικό Υλικό |
Όχι |
Γλώσσα |
English |
Βάρος | 0,878 κ. |
Κωδικός Ευδόξου |
112708491 |
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Complete Overview was written with a view to helping students —adults and teenagers especially— fully understand and cope with English Grammar and Syntax and aid them in improving and mastering Writing in simple terms.
Its innovative scheme lies within its content, format and layout, and the fact that it refers and adheres to every level; it can be a valuable crammer from A1 to C2. Complete Overview is an asset for every student, and any type of certificate, and builds one’s skills up
to proficiency. The methodology followed has its roots in Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences and everything is presented in ways that all students are or can get accustomed to, effortlessly.
Being responsive to the modernist trends of teaching and learning, Complete Overview meets the needs of both teachers and students to foster and internalize the English language. This book can unload teachers’ struggle to find resources for their students and can unburden students’ overwhelming effort to find information and fill in gaps they most likely have. Within this rich, clear and fun context everybody can learn English and it will prove to be indispensable to everyone’s learning (and teaching) process.
Η Θεωρία της Πολλαπλής Νοημοσύνης (Gardner)
10. A / AN (Αόριστο Άρθρο: ένας – μια – ένα)
11. THE (Οριστικό Άρθρο: ο – η – το, οι – τα)
13. PLURAL (Πληθυντικός)
14. UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS (Μη – μετρήσιμα ουσιαστικά)
15. SOME/ANY/NO (λίγο, μερικά, καθόλου)
16. QUANTIFIERS (Much/Many/Little/Few)
17. QUESTION TAGS (Ερώτηση «ΗΧΩ»)
18. PRONOUNS (Αντωνυμίες)
19. POSSESSIVE ’S (Κτητικό ‘s)
23. SIMPLE PRESENT (Απλός Ενεστώτας)
24. PRESENT CONTINUOUS (Ενεστώτας Διαρκείας)
24.1 Non – Continuous Verbs
25. SIMPLE PAST (Aπλός Αόριστος)
26. PAST CONTINUOUS (Αόριστος Διαρκείας)
27. PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE (Απλός Παρακείμενος)
28. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS (Παρακείμενος Διαρκείας)
29. PAST PERFECT SIMPLE (Απλός Υπερσυντέλικος)
30. PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS (Υπερσυντέλικος Διαρκείας)
31. SIMPLE FUTURE (Aπλός Μέλλοντας)
32. FUTURE CONTINUOUS (Μέλλοντας Διαρκείας)
34. FUTURE PERFECT SIMPLE (Απλός Συντελεσμένος Μέλλοντας)
35. FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS (Συντελεσμένος Μέλλοντας Διαρκείας)
38. MODAL VERBS (Βοηθητικά Ρήματα)
41. PASSIVE VOICE (Παθητική Φωνή)
42. CAUSATIVE FORM (Αναθετική Σύνταξη)
43.1 Some Introductory Verbs (Εισαγωγικά ρήματα)
44. WISHES (Ευχές)
45. CONDITIONALS (Υποθετικός Λόγος)
46. INVERSION (Αντιστροφή)
47. I’d rather/sooner – I’d prefer – I prefer – I’d better
48. UNREAL PAST (Μη Πραγματικό Παρελθόν)
49. SUBJUNCTIVE (Υποτακτική)
Syntax & Writing
52. Differences in Meaning or Syntax
52.1 Absolve/ Acquit
52.2 Abstruse/ Obtuse
52.3 Accede/ Exceed
52.4 Accept/ Except/ Expect
52.5 Adapt/ Adopt
52.6 Add/ Ad
52.7 Affect/ Effect
52.8 Affluence/ Effluence/ Influence
52.9 After/Afterwards
52.10 Aggravate/ Deteriorate/ Exacerbate
52.11 All Ready/ Already/ Yet
52.12 All right/ Alright
52.13 Allot/ A lot
52.14 Allude/ Elude/ Refer
52.15 Allusion/ Illusion/ Hallucination
52.16 Alternate/ Alternative
52.17 Although/ Despite/ However
52.18 Altogether/ All together
52.19 Antisocial/ Asocial/ Unsociable/ Unsocial
52.20 Anyone/ Any one
52.21 Anyway/ Any way
52.22 Appraise/ Apprise
52.23 As/ Like/ Unlike/ Alike
52.24 Ask if/ Ask to/ Ask of
52.25 Assure/ Ensure/ Insure
52.26 Attribute/ Contribute
52.27 Be capable of/ Be able to
52.28 Borrow/ Loan/ Lend
52.29 Both/ Neither/ Either
52.30 Bring/ Take/ Fetch
52.31 By/ By the time/ Until/ Till/At the time
52.32 Cash/ Cache/ Cachet
52.33 Cautious/ Conscious/ Unconscious/ Subconscious/ Conscientious
52.34 Classic/ Classical
52.35 Clean/Clear
52.36 Childish/ Childlike85
52.37 Common/Ordinary/Usual
52.38 Compare / Contrast
52.39 Compliment/ Complement
52.40 Consist of/ Comprise/ Composed of/ Made up of
52.41 Continuous/ Continual
52.42 Convenient/ Comfortable
52.43 Conflict/ Confront/ Contradict
52.44 Critique/ Review/ Criticism
52.45 Cross/ Across
52.46 Currant/Current
52.47 Defuse/Diffuse
52.48 Cooperate/ Compromise/ Conciliate/ Reconcile
52.49 Degrade/ Denigrate/ Downgrade/ Downsize
52.50 Deny/ Refuse
52.51 Depreciate/ Deprecate
52.52 Differ/ Vary
52.53 Disburse/ Disperse
52.54 Disinterested/ Uninterested
52.55 District/ Discreet/ Discrete/ Distinct
52.56 Downfall/ Drawback/ Disadvantage
52.57 Drastic/ Dramatic
52.58 Each/ Either/ Every
52.59 Economic/ Economical/ Fiscal
52.60 Effective/ Efficient/ Efficacious/ Effectual/ Defective
52.61 Electrocute/ Shock
52.62 Elicit/ Illicit
52.63 Emergent/ Divergent/ Insurgent/ Detergent
52.64 Emigrate/ Immigrate
52.65 Eminent/ Imminent/ Immanent
52.66 Empathy/ Sympathy/ Affinity
52.67 Emulate/ Imitate
52.68 Enormity/ Enormousness
52.69 Enquiry(UK)/ Inquiry(US)/ Acquire/ Query
52.70 Environment/ Surrounding(s)/ Habitat/ Setting/ Atmosphere
52.71 Epic/ Epoch
52.72 Eventually/ Finally
52.73 Every day/ All day/ Everyday
52.74 Exalt/ Exult
52.75 Exam/ Examination
52.76 Except (for)/ Apart from/ But/ Besides/ Beside
52.77 Exception/ Exceptional/ Exceptionable
52.78 Expand / Extend/ Enlarge/ Stretch/ Extent
52.79 False/ Fake/ Counterfeit/ Factitious/ Inauthentic/ Artificial/ Forged/ Mock
52.80 Farther/ Further
52.81 Fat/ Thick
52.82 Fatal/ Fateful
52.83 Faze/ Phase
52.84 Fearful/ Fearsome
52.85 Flammable/ Inflammable
52.86 Flaunt/ Flout
52.87 For Ever/ Forever
52.88 For Sale/ On Sale
52.89 Forbidden/ Forbidding/ Foreboding/ Formidable
52.90 Forceful/ Forcible/ Foreseeable/ Forced
52.91 Foreword/ Forward
52.92 Fortuitous/ Fortunate
52.93 Free/ Liberated
52.94 Gamut/ Gauntlet
52.95 Gender/ Sex
52.96 Gracious/ Graceful
52.97 Gratis/ Gratuitous/ Grateful
52.98 Grow up/ Raise/ Bring up
52.99 Hanged/ Hung (αόριστοι του hang)
52.100 Hard/ Sound/ Stone
52.101 Healthy/ Healthful
52.102 Hear of/about/from
52.103 Heart/ Hurt
52.104 Heritage/ Inheritance/ Legacy/ Will
52.105 High/ Tall/ Long
52.106 Hire/ Rent/ Let/ Recruit/ Charter/ Lease/ Employ
52.107 Historic/ Historical
52.108 Holiday/Holidays/Vacation
52.109 Hysterical/ Hilarious
52.110 Idea/ Ideal
52.111 If/ Whether
52.112 Immoral/ Amoral
52.113 Impertinent/ Irrelevant
52.114 Imply/ Infer
52.115 Incidence/ Incident/ Instance/ Instant
52.116 Indifferent/ Ambivalent
52.117 Ingenuity/ Genuineness
52.118 Injured/ Wounded/ Hurt/ Ache
52.119 Install/ Instill
52.120 Interfere/ Intervene/ Involve
52.121 Interior – Exterior/ Internal – External/ Integral
52.122 Interment/ Internment
52.123 Internet/ Intranet/ Extranet
52.124 Interval/ Intermission/ Break
52.125 Issue/ Problem
52.126 It seems /There seem(s)/ It is likely
52.127 It’s/ its
52.128 Jealous/ Envious
52.129 Kick-Start/ Jump-Start
52.130 Last/ Latter/ Later/ Latest/ At last/ Least
52.131 Late/ Former/ Ex
52.132 Lean/ Thin/ Slim/ Skinny
52.133 Leave/ Live/ Let/ Alive
52.134 Legend/ Myth
52.135 Liable/ Likely
52.136 Lie/ Lie/ Lay
52.137 Lose / Miss/ Loose / Loosen/ Stray
52.138 Make/ Do
52.139 Many / Many a
52.140 May be/ Maybe
52.141 Measure/ Measurement
52.142 Mood/ Mode
52.143 Motion/ Move/ Movement
52.144 Number/ Amount
52.145 Obsessive/ Obsessed
52.146 On my own/ By myself
52.147 Oppress/ Repress
52.148 Oral/ Verbal
52.149 Other/ The other/ Another/ Others
52.150 Oversee/ Overlook
52.151 Persecute/ Prosecute
52.152 Perspective/ Prospective
52.153 Prescribe/ Proscribe/ Subscribe/ Inscribe
52.154 Prodigy/ Progeny/ Protégé
52.155 Produce/ Generate/ Manufacture
52.156 Profession/ Occupation/ Vocation/ Avocation/ Work
52.157 Profit/ Benefit
52.158 Progress/ Pass
52.159 Propose/ Suggest/ Offer/ Invite
52.160 Rack/ Wrack/ Wreck
52.161 Ravaging/ Ravishing/ Ravenous
52.162 Reach/Arrive in/ Arrive at / Achieve
52.163 Rebut/ Refute
52.164 Recently/ Lately
52.165 Regretfully/ Regrettably
52.166 Reign/ Rein
52.167 Relationship/ Relation
52.168 Renew/ Restore/ Renovate
52.169 Repelling/ Rebelling/ Revolting/ Repulsing
52.170 Reside/ Dwell/ Abide/ Inhabit
52.171 Respectable/ Respectful
52.172 Rise/ Raise/ Arise/ Arouse/ Rouse
52.173 Rob/ Steal/ Burglarise/ Shoplift
52.174 Satisfying/ Satisfactory
52.175 Scatter/ Spray
52.176 Sensitive/ Sensible
52.177 Sensual/ Sensuous
52.178 Set/ Put
52.179 Short/ Low
52.180 Sick/ Ill
52.181 Site/ Scenery/ Scene/ Sight/ Spectacle/Cite
52.182 Size/ Cease/ Seize
52.183 Skid/ Steer/ Drift/ Slip/ Navigate/ Divert
52.184 Slice/ Chop/ Shred/Mince/ Grate
52.185 Smash/ Shatter/ Mash
52.186 So/ Neither – Nor
52.187 So/ Such/ Too
52.188 Social/ Societal
52.189 Some Time/ Sometimes/ Sometime
52.190 Some/ Any/ No
52.191 Specially/ Especially
52.192 Succeed/ Manage
52.193 Such as/ Like
52.194 Suppose/Be supposed to
52.195 Tell/ Say/ Talk/ Speak/ Converse
52.196 Their/ There/ They’re
52.197 Tourist/ Touristic/ Touristy
52.198 Travel/ Trip/ Journey/ Voyage
52.199 Treatment/ Cure/ Remedy/ Medication/Therapy/ Healing
52.200 Valuable/ Precious/ Invaluable/ Worthless/ Valueless
52.201 Very/ Enough/ Too
52.202 Vow/ Oath
52.203 Way/ Route/ Path/ Means/ Method
52.204 Wedding/ Ceremony/ Marriage/ Celebration
52.205 Whole/ All/ None
52.206 Win/ Earn/ Get/ Gain
52.207 Win/ Defeat/ Beat
52.208 Your/ You’re
54. DERIVATIVES (Παράγωγα)
55. Punctuation Marks, Keyboard and Math Symbols in English
57.1 Describing People
57.2 Describing Buildings
57.3 Describing Places
57.4 Describing Objects
57.5 Describing Events/ Festivals/ Ceremonies
57.6 Narrative
57.7 Discursive Essays
57.7.1 For and Against Essays
57.7.2 Opinion Essays
57.7.3 Solution to Problem Essays
57.7.4 Comparison Essays
57.7.5 Classification Essays
57.7.6 Cause and Effect Essays
57.8 Letters
a) Formal letter – known recipient
b) Formal letter – unknown recipient
c) Semi-formal letter
d) Informal letter
57.8.1 Letters of Request
57.8.2 Letters Giving Information
57.8.3 Letters Giving an Opinion/Advice
57.8.4 Letters to Editor/Authorities
57.8.5 Letters of Complaint
57.8.6 Letters of Apology
57.8.7 Letters of Application
57.8.8 Letters of Invitation
57.9 Reports
57.9.1 Assessment Reports – Compare and Contrast Report
57.9.2 Informative Reports
57.9.3 Survey Reports
57.9.4 Proposal Reports
57.10 Articles/ News Reports/Reviews
57.10.1 Articles
57.10.2 News Reports
57.10.3 Reviews
57.11 Graphs/ Charts/ Tables/ Processes/ Maps
57.11.1 Describing Graphs
57.11.2 Describing Charts
57.11.3 Describing Tables
57.11.4 Describing Processes/Maps
57.12 E-Mails
Units 1-2: The Alphabet and the Phonemes of English
Unit 3: Numbers
Unit 4: Days - Months - Seasons
Unit 5: The Time
Unit 6: To be – To have got
Units 7: Parts of speech
Unit 8: The WH Question Words
Unit 9: Relative Clauses
Unit 10: A/ AN
Unit 11: The
Unit 12: Prepositions
Unit 13: Plural
Unit 14: Uncountable Nouns
Unit 15: Some/Any/No
Unit 16: Quantifiers
Unit 17: Question Tags
Unit 18: Pronouns
Unit 19: Possessive ’s
Unit 20: Comparisons
Unit 21: Adverbs
Unit 22: Adjectives & Participles
Unit 23 & 24: Present Continuous and Simple Present
Unit 25 & 26: Simple Past and Past Continuous
Unit 27 & 28: Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous
Unit 29 & 30: Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous
Unit 31 – 33: Simple Future, Future Continuous & (to) be going to
Unit 34 & 35: Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous
Unit 36: Formation of tenses
Unit 37: Adverbs of frequency and time expressions
Unit 38 & 39: Modal Verbs
Unit 40:Gerund and Infinitive
Unit 41: Passive Voice
Unit 42: Causative Form
Unit 43: Reported Speech
Unit 44: Wishes
Unit 45: Conditionals
Unit 46: Inversion
Unit 47: I’d rather/sooner – I’d prefer – I prefer – I’d better
Unit 48: Unreal Past
Unit 49: Subjunctive
Unit 50: Short forms
Unit 51: Irregular verbs
Overall Revision

Viterouli Mary
Mary Viterouli has had a teaching experience of over twenty years in the private and public sector offering courses relating to TEFL, Sociology, Adult Education, Economics and Management. She is now, also, working as an Employment Business Consultant. Her main scientific and research interests revolve around Strategic Management, Human Resources Management, Adult Education, Sociology and English Literature. She has published papers in international refereed Journals and has made various Conference Presentations. She holds two Bachelor’s Degrees - in Sociology/English Literature and Business Administration, two Master’s Degrees – in Applied Pedagogics/Adult Education and Business Administration, and is now a PhD Candidate at the University of Thessaly, Greece, in the research area of Adult Education and Business Administration, placing emphasis on Human Resources/ Organizational Management.
Η Μαίρη Βυτερούλη έχει διδακτική εμπειρία πλέον των είκοσι χρόνων στον ιδιωτικό και δημόσιο τομέα, παραδίδοντας μαθήματα σχετικά με την διδασκαλία Αγγλικών ως Ξένης Γλώσσας (TEFL), την Κοινωνιολογία, την Εκπαίδευση Ενηλίκων, τα Οικονομικά και τη Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων. Την τρέχουσα περίοδο εργάζεται, επίσης, ως Εργασιακός Σύμβουλος Εργοδοτών/Επιχειρήσεων. Τα κύρια επιστημονικά και ερευνητικά της ενδιαφέροντα περιστρέφονται γύρω από τη Στρατηγική Διοίκηση, τη Διαχείριση Ανθρώπινων Πόρων, την Εκπαίδευση Ενηλίκων, την Κοινωνιολογία και την Αγγλική Φιλολογία/Λογοτεχνία. Έχει δημοσιεύσει εργασίες σε Διεθνή Περιοδικά και έχει κάνει ποικίλες παρουσιάσεις σε Συνεδρία. Είναι κάτοχος δύο Πτυχίων ΑΕΙ στην Κοινωνιολογία/Αγγλική Λογοτεχνία και Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων, δύο Μεταπτυχιακών Διπλωμάτων στην Εφαρμοσμένη Παιδαγωγική/Εκπαίδευση Ενηλίκων και στη Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων και είναι πλέον Υποψήφια Διδάκτορας στο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλίας, στον ερευνητικό τομέα της Εκπαίδευσης Ενηλίκων και της Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων, δίνοντας έμφαση στους Ανθρώπινους Πόρους/ Διαχείριση Οργανισμού.